Home / Portfolio / 2012


Analysis of legislation and regulatory framework related to sturgeons in the framework of Project “Implementation of activities form the National Action Plan on sturgeon aimed at enhancing the status and achieving conservation of sturgeons in Bulgaria”, funded through the Operational Programme “Environment 2007-2013” (Assigned by WWF – Bulgaria)

Survey on stakeholder awareness and the need for updating the Local Development Strategy for the Fishing Area "High Western Rhodopes: Batak-Devin-Dospat" (Assigned by Fisheries Local Action Group "High Western Rhodopes: Batak-Devin-Dospat")

Development of working design for site “Ecotourism routes and tourism infrastructure within Pomorie Lake Complex of Protected Natural Areas” in the framework of Project ”Urgent Measures for Restoration and Conservation of Species and Habitats of European Significance within Pomorie Lake Complex of Protected Natural Areas”, funded through the Operational Programme “Environment 2007-2013” (Assigned by “Green Balkans” NGO).

Development of Project “Development of specific infrastructure “Fish restaurant” and related ecotourism services on the territory of Dospat Municipality/ Fishing Area "High Western Rhodopes”, funded through OP “Fisheries” in the framework of the Local Development Strategy for the Fishing Area "High Western Rhodope" (Assigned by: ST “Krassimir Krassenov – Tihiyat kat 91”)

Development of Project “Mapping and enhancing the awareness of Fishing Area "High Western Rhodopes” as a complete tourismg destination with focus on fishing tourism” (Assigned by: Association “New Future for Dospat”)

Development of project proposal under the procedure BG161PO003-1.1.05 “Development of innovations from emerging enterprises” in the framework of OP “Development of the Competitiveness of Bulgarian Economy 2007-2013” (Assigned by “Florix” Ltd.)

Delivery of company training and team building including renovation of tourism infrastructure in “Vitosha” Nature Parks (Assigned by City Bank – Sofia Branch)

Supply of forest reproductive materials for State Forestry Enterprises and other national and international clients.


Project in focus

Интерактивна туристическа карта Високи Западни Родопи - Батак, Девин, Доспат

The interactive map was developed by PDM Services Ltd. under a project implemented by Novo Badeshte za Dospat Association with the financial support of Operational Programme for the Bulgarian Fisheries.

The website contains information for the most popular tourist routes and sites on the territory of FLAG High Western Rhodopes: Batak-Devin-Dospat together with GPS data for all objects available for download.


PDM Services Ltd. is certified by the Executive Forestry Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for the production and marketing of forest reproductive materials of national and international level.

Our team experts hold licenses in various fields including forestry, FSC forest certification, work with specialized GIS software, environmental impact assessment, tourism, etc.

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